IGF 2023 High-Level Track

Mr. Stefan Schnorr
Since December 2021, Stefan Schnorr has been a permanent state secretary at the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport. He is responsible for the Central Services, Budget and Shareholdings, Digital and Data Policy, Digital Connectivity as well as Aviation directorates-general. Stefan Schnorr is a legal professional. He began his career as an administrative judge in Rhineland-Palatinate. From 1994 to 2001, he worked for the Ministry of Justice of Rhineland-Palatinate, serving as Head of Public Relations and Press Officer. In 2001, he moved to Berlin, joining the Representation of Rhineland-Palatinate to the Federal Government and the European Union to become Deputy Director for Federal Affairs. As of 2009, he worked as the Head of Representation of Lower Saxony to the Federal Government in Berlin. In 2010, he became Director for Information Society and Media at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology, where he later served as Director for Budget, Staff, Organization and Information Technology and IT Commissioner. He was appointed Director-General for Political Staff and Policy Planning in 2011 before being appointed Director-General for IT, Communication and Postal Policies in 2013. In 2014, he became Director for Crafts, Commercial Law and Business Promotion, Education Policy and Liberal Professions at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, where he also served as Director-General for Digital and Innovation Policy from 2015 to 2021.